Spanarstugan overnight cabin

Lövånger, Skellefteå

Spanarstugan is beautifully located on the Bjuröklubb lighthouse site. The cottage is intended for temporary accommodation (1-2 nights) and can accommodate 8 people.

Show goodwill to temporary day visitors who want shelter for a while or just come in and look at the cabin.

Spanarstugan is the first house on the left when approaching the lighthouse keeper's residence in the northern part of Bjuröklubb nature reserve. Parking is available down by the public road, you take the last bit up to the lighthouse on foot.

Practical information

In each room there is a bunk bed where the lower slat is 120 cm wide and the upper slat 90 cm.

There are also 2 extra mattresses. The cottage accommodates 8 people.

Overnight in the cabin costs SEK 200 per person per night. Children 0–15 stay free. The fee is used for the cabin's maintenance, equipment and firewood. Payment information is available in the cabin.

The cabin has a wood stove, simple electric stove, refrigerator, kitchen equipment, mattresses, pillows and woolen blankets. Bring sheetsor sleeping bag. You as a visitor clean up after yourself and bring in firewood from the firewood box outside the cabin, alternatively from the firewood store by the sauna in the guest harbor.

In the cabin, it is allowed to have a dog, but it must not lie on mattresses or blankets. Also, do not use kitchen equipment as a food bowl.

Book accommodation in Spanarstugan

In 2024, the cabin is available to book throughout the summer.

The cabin is locked and you get access to the key after booking. Book the cabin by contacting:

Tomas Staafjord
070-605 13 13


Staffan Markström
070-510 66 60